Donate Online
Click below to donate online directly to St Margaret's or via the diocesan website and choose Canning Town.
Or you may wish to set up a Standing Order. HSBC Bank plc, High Street, Brentwood, Essex CM14 4RU, Account name: St Margarets All Saints, Sort Code: 40-13-22 Account No: 41036386
Gift Aid Boxes
Uncollected Gift Aid boxes for the 2024/25 financial year may now only be collected from the parish office during office hours. For ease of administration, please discard all old envelopes. If you do not find your box of envelopes please use an ordinary envelope, write your Gift Aid number on it and leave a note for the Gift Aid organiser. You will be contacted as soon as your new box of envelopes are ready for collection.
If you are a tax payer and want to join the Gift Aid Scheme, please fill in a Gift Aid Declaration and a Standing Order mandate (if you want to use that facility) - these are available at the back of our churches.
Our Digital Collection Plates are to be found at the back of St Margaret's Church (near the rear emergency exit) and towards the rear of the Convent Chapel (on the left hand side as you exit). QR codes are also published in the weekly newsletter. If you wish any of these digital donations to be Gift Aided, please ensure you tick the option to indicate this.
Thank you for your continued generosity.
Food Donation
St Margaret’s Food Bank, which is intended for people/families that need extra help in our parish, is open every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 10:30am until 1pm. Please contact Maria (Parish Secretary) or call the Office for further information.